1. The manuscript should be written according to General Requirements described in Guidelines for Authors.
  2. In the case of an article in which a number of authors occurs, the first mentioned person is corresponding author and then the Editor will require Statement on the substantive contribution of each of the authors in the development of the article.
  3. Author (or corresponding author) should add a cover letter as a supplementary file stating a Declaration that his (or they) paper has not been published before, is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has been read and approved by all authors.
  4. A request for revision does not mean that the paper is accepted for publication, because the revised version will be again considered by reviewers and by the editorial board.
  5. Problems of Mechatronics. Armament, Aviation, Safety Engineering is peer review journal. All research articles in this journal undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial pre-review screening and refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.
  6. Reviewers are selected and matched (by Subject Editors) to the paper according to their expertise.
  7. Communications concerning changes are with Executive Editor. The proof will be sent to the author (corresponding author) showing the final layout of the article. Proof correction must be minimal and fast. To facilitate timely publication of manuscripts, author proofs must be corrected and returned to Executive Editor within 14 days of receipt.
  8. The authors are asked to confirm transfer of copyright for the submitted paper to Problems of Mechatronics. Armament, Aviation, Safety Engineering by the time the paper is accepted for publishing.
  9. Quarterly Problems of Mechatronics. Armament, Aviation, Safety Engineering can dispose with the paper and can publish it in original or shortened form in the journal. Later publications in other journals must state the Problems of Mechatronics. Armament, Aviation, Safety Engineering as a source.
  10. Reviewed and corrected manuscript will be processed by journal editor to prepare a final version of the full text.
  11. Submitted paper will not be published in the following cases:
    a) both reviews are negative;
    b) the paper contain any insulting or illegal messages and that it infringe upon the rights of third parties;
    c) author does not agree with any reviewer’s comments, suggestions or corrections.